Texas Got Smiles Blog

Calm Your Fears with Sedation Dentistry

shutterstock_110076917There are many aspects to a person’s personality and appearance that make them unique, and one thing that makes someone unique are their fears. Some have a fear of heights while others have a fear of spiders, but the common denominator is a fear that people feel as though they may not be able to overcome. One fear that many people share is a fear of the dentist. Having a fear of the dentist can be mild, while other cases are so crippling that patients may refuse to get any sort of dental work done. Because Dr. Paul Davey understands the fear that many people have, he is able to keep his most fearful patients calm by offering sedation dentistry at his Sugar Land, TX dental office.

One way we are able to keep you worry-free during your appointment with Dr. Davey is by offering oral conscious sedation. With this form of sedation, you will be prescribed a pill to take before your appointment. With oral conscious sedation, you are able to stay awake during your appointment, but you will feel sleepy and calm while feeling absolutely no pain. We will take this opportunity to work on your smile, making it healthy!

Another form of sedation we offer is IV sedation. This is for our patients who experience high anxiety when in a dentist’s chair. With this type of sedation, and anesthesiologist will administer the sedative into your bloodstream, and we will be able to monitor all of your vital signs while your dental work is being performed. With both types of sedation, it is very important to keep in mind that the effects of the sedative will still be in effect when your appointment is over, so it is crucial to get a trusted loved one to bring you home after your appointment. If you feel as though Dr. Davey is able to help you overcome your fear of the dentist with sedation dentistry, contact our office today!

Dr. Paul Davey’s Sugar Land, TX dental office provides exceptional cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, and neuromuscular dentistry services to patients from Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, and Katy. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment.

It’s Not Easy Being Green- It’s Great!

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , , , , , , — drdavey @ 5:35 pm

shutterstock_185075840A tall, ice cold glass of tea is a wonderful way to cool off in the summer heat. A summer staple, tea of all types has been able to cool us down, quench our thirst, and please our taste buds. From black tea to herbal, from peach to spearmint, the options often are overwhelming, but the end results are always delicious! What you may not know is how green tea is able to give you amazing benefits, both to your smile and your body! This summer, we want to make sure you are fully knowledgeable about what type of tea you are drinking and how it can promote your body’s wellness!

One of the amazing advantages to drinking green tea is the fact that it helps with your brain and your heart. Green tea is full of catechin, which are antioxidant that fight off, and have the ability to prevent, cell damage. Studies have proven that drinking green tea is directly linked to having a larger amount of activity in the working memory part of your brain. Also, drinking green tea has been shown to block the development of plaques that have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

For those with diabetes, green tea helps been the blood sugar level stable! If you are over worked and very stressed, green tea has an amino acid called theanine, something that can have a calming effect on people. For those trying to lose some weight, green tea can help increase your metabolism, helping you burn more fat calories! There are so many amazing advantages to having a cup of delicious green tea, and you should definitely experience it for yourself!

Dr. Paul Davey’s Sugar Land, TX dental office provides exceptional cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, and neuromuscular dentistry services to patients from Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, and Katy. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment.

Get Ready for Summer with Fresh Breath!

With summer making its bright, warm way into our lives, the world of laying by the pool and having outdoor barbeques are rapidly approaching. Celebrating summer means being surrounded by your closes friends and family, meaning people are getting their beach bodies ready and their refreshments cold. With all of the people you will encounter, it is very important you are healthy from the inside out, including your smile! Having fresh breath is an awesome way of making a first impression, and if you suffer from bad breath, also known as halitosis, you may find it difficult to be confident in yourself. Dr. Paul Davey and the rest of the people at Texas Got Smile are able to give you some insight as to what causes halitosis, and some ways of fixing the issue.

One of the causes for halitosis is not brushing and flossing your teeth every day. Food particles get stick between your teeth, and if they are left to sit, it causes bacteria growth. An antibacterial mouthwash is a good way of reducing these bacteria, as well as making sure you brush and floss your teeth every day. Also, smoking and/or chewing tobacco-based products causes bad breath, as well as stains your teeth, irritates your gums, and lessens your ability to taste and enjoy your favorite foods. Some of the signs of halitosis are an unrelenting bad taste in your mouth, severe dry mouth, and ill fitting dental appliances.

A few of the ways you can keep you halitosis under control is by practicing good oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing your teeth daily. Cleaning your tongue is also an excellent way of eliminating a lot of unwanted bacteria that causes bad breath. Also, seeing your dentist regularly, stopping smoking and using other tobacco-based produces, keeping a record of the kinds of food you eat, and drinking a lot of water are all sure ways you can be sure you have the freshest breath to celebrate the summer !

Dr. Paul Davey’s Sugar Land, TX dental office provides exceptional cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, and neuromuscular dentistry services to patients from Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, and Katy. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment.

Which Toothpastes Are Above The Rest?

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , , , , , — drdavey @ 8:24 pm

Having good oral care is important for the care of the rest of your body. Many people may not know this, but if you have poor oral health, other areas of your body are affected, like your bones, your brain, and your heart. Brushing and flossing your teeth daily are an excellent way in making sure you stay on top of your oral health, but a lot of people may be confused as to which toothpastes are the best for them. Dr. Paul Davey of Texas Got Smile are dedicated to making sure their patients stay as informed as possible, even down to the types of toothpastes they use in order to achieve excellent oral health.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when choosing a toothpaste is making sure the toothpaste contains fluoride. Fluoride is a natural mineral that has been shown to significantly decrease the odds of tooth decay over the past fifty years. The bacteria in your mouth thrive on the leftover sugars and starches that reside in your smile after eating, and fluoride helps fight against the acid released when that happens. Fluoride is a key component is strengthening your tooth enamel, and it can reverse the early stages of damage caused by acid by replenishing minerals your smile.

Another important thing to keep in mind when choosing a toothpaste is to find one that controls tartar. Tartar is hardened plaque, a bacterial layer. If tartar is not removed promptly and properly, it has the potential to lead to gum disease. Also, some tartar control toothpastes contain triclosan, an antibiotic that kills some of the bacteria in your mouth. It is also important to keep in mind finding a toothpaste that’s ADA approved. This way, you know the toothpaste is safe, effective, and contains fluoride!

Dr. Paul Davey’s Sugar Land, TX dental office provides exceptional cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, and neuromuscular dentistry services to patients from Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, and Katy. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment.

Make Your Smile Flawless with Tooth-Colored Crowns

shutterstock_99705527Many people want their smile to look as flawless as possible, and it may be hard to have that happen. In regards to fillings or crowns, many people may abhor the look of the metal in their mouths, wishing for something that would blend in more with their natural tooth color. Luckily at Texas Got Smile, Dr. Paul Davey is able to give you the natural smile you have always wanted with the help of porcelain crowns.

A crown, also called a cap, goes over the damaged tooth, and has the ability to give you regained strength and function of your natural tooth. We use a special system where we are able to match your tooth color exactly, so your new crown with be flawless with the rest of your smile. Porcelain is very popular, as it is very durable and last for years, giving you a perfect smile at any moment.

If you’re in a hurry, we can have your new porcelain crown ready in just a few appointments. After you have your new crown, you care of it like you would your natural tooth, so there is no special routine or techniques you must perform.  If you feel as though Dr. Davey can help you get the natural, flawless smile you have always wanted, contact our office and make an appointment today!

Dr. Paul Davey’s Sugar Land, TX dental office provides exceptional cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, and neuromuscular dentistry services to patients from Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, and Katy. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment.

Are You Ready for your Checkup?

open wide!Just like your car’s oil has to be changed and tires need to be rotated, regular checkups are the key to making sure that everything and anything runs smoothly. The same thing goes for your teeth! It is important to have your regular dental checkups to make sure everything regarding your teeth, gums, and everything else are working cohesively. If you are due for a dental checkup, Dr. Paul M. Davey is ready and able to take care of you!

The American Dental Association recommends you visit your dentist biannually to make sure everything with regarding your smile is happy and healthy. During your checkup, Dr. Davey will be able to look at every single tooth, making sure there are no signs of decay or any early signs of gum disease. If we do happen to find a cavity or another form of decay, we will be able to fix them with tooth-colored fillings, such as fillings, inlays, onlays, and crowns, making the repair as seamless as possible. Our experienced hygienists will be able to remove tartar and plaque from your teeth, eliminating the harmful bacteria that may prevent you from having a healthy smile.

One of the many benefits to having regular dental checkups is the fact that it gives us the opportunity to spot things before they become a serious problem. What may seem like a little discomfort or a small crack now can lead to a much more painful and expensive procedure down the road. If you are due for your dental checkup and would like Dr. Davey’s help, contact us today and make an appointment!

Dr. Paul Davey’s Sugar Land, TX dental office provides exceptional cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, and neuromuscular dentistry services to patients from Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, and Katy. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment.

Spread the Love with a Whitened Smile

There is nothing more frustrating than a lackluster smile. Though a smile naturally dwindles with time and age, you still want to be youthful, giving someone the most beautiful, shiny smile imaginable! Many things can affect your smile, like tobacco use, drinking coffee and tea, and even certain medications. Luckily, Dr. Paul Davey and the rest of the Texas Got Smile team are here to give you the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted with teeth whitening.

Our in-office teeth whitening takes less than hour, allowing you to easily fit it into your schedule. There is no anesthesia required, as it is absolutely painless. We simply apply whitening gel onto your teeth and shine a special light on them. At the end of the procedure, your smile can be up to ten shades whiter!

If you would like a more gradual change in whitening your smile, we also offer at-home whitening. We will be able to supply you with the whitening gel and trays. You simply fill the trays with the gel and wear them every night. In about two weeks, you will be able to see a dramatic difference in your smile’s brightness!

If you are interested in how Dr. Davey can help you liven your smile with teeth whitening, call us to make an appointment, and we will be glad to help!

Dr. Paul Davey’s Sugar Land, TX dental office provides exceptional cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, and neuromuscular dentistry services to patients from Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, and Katy. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment.


Make Healthy Gums Your Top Priority

A lot of people may not know this, but your gums are just as important, if not more, than your teeth when it comes to good oral health. Healthy gums give your teeth a healthy foundation to grow and flourish, and if that foundation is compromised, it can greatly affect the health of your teeth. At Texas Got Smile, Dr. Davey along with our very knowledgeable team want to make sure your mouth is healthy from top to bottom, which is why we offer periodontal disease treatment to our patients.

With over 80% of the population living with some form of periodontal (gum) disease, odds are likely you do too. Though it may not seem like a big deal now, if left untreated, periodontal disease can greatly infect other parts of your body. Bad cases of periodontal disease can lead to heart disease, stroke, bone loss, tooth loss, pregnancy complications, and much more. Many factors play a part in periodontal health, like tobacco use, certain medications, diabetes, poor nutrition, stress, and etcetera.

The good thing about gum disease is that it is reversible if caught early on. We perform periodontal therapy by doing routine scraping and root planing, eliminated the bacteria and plaque. You yourself can help prevent periodontal disease by brushing and flossing at least twice a day. It would also be wise to invest in a mouthwash that is antibacterial and contains fluoride. Though brushing definitely eliminates bacteria, mouthwash will be able to cover your entire mouth and eradicate a lot more bacteria. With these simple tips and Dr. Davey’s expertise, there’s no doubt you will embark on a long road of beautiful smiles and health!

Dr. Paul Davey’s Sugar Land, TX dental office provides exceptional cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, and neuromuscular dentistry services to patients from Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, and Katy. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment.


Dr. Davey Can Help with Your Sleep Apnea



There are very few things more frustrating than a bad night’s sleep. Sleeping is our body’s way of recharging itself and getting us prepared for the day’s future endeavors. Unfortunately, millions of people suffer from sleep apnea, a condition where you experience sleeping patterns that are disruptive and cause you to get little to no rest. Here at Texas Got Smile, we understand your problems, and Dr. Davey is here to put everything to rest.

What a lot of people don’t know is that there are a couple of different forms of sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is where your soft palate collapses, causing you not to breath for ten seconds. There’s also central sleep apnea, and that’s when your brain forgets to tell your body to breath while it’s sleeping. When you come to see Dr. Davey about your sleep apnea concerns, he will begin with a thorough evaluation, and may even conduct a sleeping test. If it is determined you do suffer from sleep apnea, Dr. Davey may recommend Under Armour Mouthwear.

Under Armour Mouthwear works in many ways to help you get a good night’s sleep, one being that it opens your airway. When that happens, there is less of a buildup of lactic acid and increases Oxygen flow by veering your jaw forward. It also prevents your jaw from clenching and releasing Cortisol, a hormone that causes distraction, stress, and fatigue. Under Armour Mouthwear also absorbs the energy transmitted through your head when there’s an impact on the jaw. All of these features let you have a restorative, reenergizing night of sleep.

If you feel as though you suffer from sleep apnea, make an appointment with Dr. Davey, and he will be able to talk with you and get you set up for sleeping success.

Dr. Paul Davey’s Sugar Land, TX dental office provides exceptional cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, and neuromuscular dentistry services to patients from Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond and Katy. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment.


Porcelain Veneers are a Quick Smile Solution in Houston

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your smile, your dentist has many solutions available to help improve your teeth. A great cosmetic dentistry solution that is a good choice for many patients in Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond and Katy are porcelain veneers. This is a quick yet dramatic way to improve your smile without undergoing extensive dental work.

Porcelain veneers are thin pieces of high quality porcelain that are affixed to the front of your teeth. They will be carefully crafted to resemble natural teeth, and will help give your smile a uniform and realistic appearance.  Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth that will be used to create your permanent veneers. You’ll be fitted with a temporary restoration in the meantime.

This is a great cosmetic dentistry solution that can help to cover over a variety of smile flaws, including chips, stains, cracks and gaps. Porcelain veneers are sometimes also called instant orthodontics because it can correct small gaps and misalignment of your teeth without resorting to braces.

Patients in Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond and Katy have a wide variety of choices when it comes to cosmetic dentistry. Porcelain veneers can be a quick and simple way to enhance the appearance of your smile. Give your Houston area dentist a call to learn more or schedule your consultation today.

Dr. Paul Davey’s Sugar Land, TX dental office provides exceptional cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, and neuromuscular dentistry services to patients from Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond and Katy. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment.

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