Texas Got Smiles Blog

Neuromuscular Dentistry in Sugar Land, Richmond and Katy

Neuromuscular dentistry is an important type of dentistry that focuses on making sure that each component of your smile is functioning properly. These components include your teeth, muscles, joints and your nervous system. If these systems are functioning in harmony, you’ll have a healthy, well-functioning smile.

This is a great thing to look into for Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond and Katy residents that are suffering from headache pain, pressure around the eyes or jaw, and soreness in the back, neck or shoulders. All of these issues could be caused by misaligned jaws. A neuromuscular dentist will focus on identifying the current issues with your bite and come up with a treatment plan to restore your teeth and relieve stress on your jaw. Your neuromuscular dentist can perform a variety of treatments, such as TMJ therapy, neuromuscular dentures, dental implants, and more.

If you’re having problems with headaches or have an improperly functioning smile, it may be a good idea to look for someone that practices neuromuscular dentistry. Patients in Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond and Katy have access to a wide variety of dentists so they can find a practitioner with this skill set to help improve their smile. If you’re interested in learning more about neuromuscular dentistry and how it can help improve your life, give your dentist a call today.

Dr. Paul Davey’s Sugar Land, TX dental office provides exceptional cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, and neuromuscular dentistry services to patients from Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond and Katy. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment.

Sedation Dentistry for a Comfortable Appointment

Do you suffer from dental anxiety? Have you been delaying or avoiding necessary dental appointments because you just don’t like visiting the dentist? Sedation dentistry is a great way to help Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond or Katy area patients relax enough to receive the dentistry they need for a healthy smile.

There are several different methods of sedation dentistry to help your dentist meet the needs of all Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond or Katy patients. Today we will discuss oral conscious sedation and IV sedation.

Oral conscious sedation is a great solution for mild anxiety. You’ll be prescribed a sedative that you’ll take prior to your appointment, leaving you awake, relaxed and comfortable during treatment. This method requires that a friend or family member drive you to or from your appointment.

If you’re having a complex procedure or oral surgery, IV sedation is the best solution. This method dispenses the sedative directly in your bloodstream through an IV, so your dentist can tailor the dosage to exactly meet your needs. You will be unconscious during the procedure, and your vital signs will be carefully monitored to ensure your health. Also, you’ll need a ride home from this treatment while the effects of the drugs wear off.

Sedation dentistry is a great way to deal with dental anxiety and comfortable undergo several or extensive dental procedures in one visit. Call your Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond or Katy area dentist to learn more about sedation dentistry or to schedule a consultation.

Dr. Paul Davey’s Sugar Land, TX dental office provides exceptional cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, and neuromuscular dentistry services to patients from Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond and Katy.

Straighten Up with Invisalign Clear Braces

Are you dissatisfied with your crooked smile but don’t want to go through the embarrassment of wearing braces? Invisalign is a discreet solution to your smile problem. This is a clear braces solution that allows Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond and Katy residents to straighten their smile without adding metal to their appearance.

Invisalign works by taking a 3D image of your smile and using that as the basis for your treatment plan. Special sets of aligner trays will be generated using this image. You’ll switch out aligners approximately every two weeks, watching your smile gradually straighten over time. Generally, your Invisalign treatment will be complete in about a year, but everyone’s smile is different.

If you’re a professional living in Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond or Katy, this treatment will be especially interesting to you. Invisalign is practically invisible, making it simple for you to improve your smile without detracting from your professional image.

Since your braces will be made from smooth plastic as opposed to metal and wire, there’s nothing to irritate your mouth. Your trays are removable, making for easy cleaning and no bothersome food restrictions. You can even remove them for a special event or important photographs.

If you’re unhappy with your smile but are even more unhappy about the thought of wearing braces, Invisalign could be right for you. This is a great way to discretely straighten your teeth without calling attention to the process. Call your Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, or Katy dentist to learn more about clear braces and see if they’re the right fit for your teeth.


Complete Your Smile with Implant Dentisty

Missing teeth are more than just an eyesore. They can negatively impact the health of your smile by causing your remaining teeth to shift around to fill the gap or even fall out as well. It’s important to replace them as soon as possible to restore the health of your smile. Luckily, your Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, or Katy dentist can help with implant dentistry.

Implant dentistry is a great way for Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, or Katy residents to replace missing teeth and have a complete smile once again. Your dentist will insert titanium posts into your jawbone. Once inserted, after some time they’ll bond with your jaw to create a firm, secure base for your implants. Once bonding has occurred, your dentist will top the post with a custom-crafted porcelain crown, completing your restoration and completing your smile. As long as you take care of your replacement teeth as you do your natural teeth, the implant will last you a long time.

Many patients prefer this to other methods because implant dentistry is a stable, secure and essentially permanent method of replacing missing teeth. There’s no embarrassing slippage or any need to worry about your implants falling out. You’ll have an attractive smile once again, and no one will be able to tell that any of your teeth aren’t natural.

If you live in Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, or Katy, call your dentist to learn more or see if implant dentistry is right for your smile. You owe it to yourself and your dental health to have a full, beautiful smile.

General Dentistry is the Foundation of Your Healthy Smile

General dentistry is an essential part of having a healthy smile. It’s important that you make a commitment to your dental health by visiting your Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond or Katy area dentist twice a year for your regular dental checkup.

The dental checkup is a key part of general dentistry. Your Houston area dentist and their staff will clean your teeth, removing any plaque or tartar. They’ll check for signs of cavities, damage or decay that need to be addressed.

Even more importantly, they will look for signs of periodontal disease, also called gum disease. This is an infection of your gums that can cause you to lose a tooth or other health concerns such as heart disease, strokes, and diabetes complications if left untreated. There’s not very many symptoms, and the few there are can easily be confused for something else, so it’s important that your dentist checks out your smile regularly.

General dentistry is also all about education. Your dentist will teach you proper brushing and flossing techniques to help you do your part to keep your smile healthy and bright. Any questions that you have about teeth and teeth care can be answered to make sure you’re on the right track.

If you live in Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, or Katy, you have lots of choices available when it comes to general dentistry. With so many dentists, there’s no reason why you can’t find the right one for your smile. General dentistry is the foundation of a healthy smile and will help ensure your smile’s beauty for years to come.

Cosmetic Dentistry in the Houston Area

Are you dissatisfied with your smile? Revitalize your smile with a cosmetic dentistry treatment from a Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, or Katy dentist. Cosmetic dentistry is a general term used to describe any procedure that improves the appearance of your smile. A wide variety of procedures fall under this umbrella.

Some dentists break down cosmetic dentistry procedures into aesthetic and reconstructive treatments. Aesthetic treatments include porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, tooth-colored crowns, fillings and Invisalign. These focus on improving the color, shaping and spacing of your teeth. They also help to hide cracks and chips. Invisalign is a clear braces solution that helps to straighten your teeth without the unsightly appearance of traditional braces. Reconstructive treatments include bridges or dental implants, and are focused on replacing your missing or damaged teeth in an attractive, natural looking way.

If you live in Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, or Katy, there are a lot of dentists available for you to choose. It’s important to choose wisely, especially if you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry procedures. Since cosmetic dentistry deals with the physical appearance of your teeth, it is important to make sure that you’re satisfied with the quality of the work.

No matter what issues or concerns you might have with your smile, there is a cosmetic dentistry solution available to improve your smile and your life. Everyone deserves to have a beautiful smile that fills them with pride.

Cosmetic dentistry is a great way to improve the appearance of your smile. Call your Sugar Land, Houston, Richmond, or Katy dentist to learn more and schedule a consultation. Don’t wait, take steps to improve your smile today.

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